Christopher Ware, Sales

CHRISTOPHER WARE is a media sales expert with 19 years’ experience in selling print and digital advertising, event sponsorships, and exhibit space. He has generated more than $20,000,000 in media sales for niche publications and events. Currently he is the Vice President of Business Development for NAIOP, a national trade association for real estate developers. At NAIOP he’s doubled revenue since the end of the Great Recession, doubled conference sponsorship sales, more than tripled the number of companies sponsoring, and tripled digital advertising sales. But he’s best known for giving away free burritos to get his calls returned.

Ware is a regular speaker and writer on generating sponsorship and media sales. He’s contributed thought leadership to the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE), Niche Media, Association Media and Publishing (AM&P), International Association of Exhibit Managers (IAEM), Specialized Information Publishers Association (SIPA), American Horse Publications and ExpoNext.

Ware lives in Virginia with his wife of 18 years. He’s been to all 30 Major League Baseball parks, over 40 minor league parks, and hopes to one day see a game in every state.



Sales Skills Workshop – A Series of TED-like Talks

9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. / 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Grow your sales brain with 4 high impact sessions that arm you with the skills you need to succeed today. Attend all four sessions for maximum impact, but feel free to pop in and out.


Workshop 1: Introduction

The last time your brain received a software update we were still living in caves. We will discuss how your brain makes decisions and how to use that knowledge to boost your sales. This discussion will set the stage for the next three workshops.

Workshop 2: Writing Effective Sales Email

Emails are a fact of life for the sales professional. Learn how to craft an email that gets a reply, not a delete. You will leave this session with an email template ready to use once you return to the office.

Workshop 3: Voice Mails. Remember Those?

In the age of email and text, sales professionals have set aside the good old-fashioned phone during prospecting. That’s a mistake! Voice mails can be a powerful tool in bringing in sales. But only if you do them right.

In this session we will review the elements of a good voice mail. And make sure your phone is charged! We are going to practice your new voice mail skills during the session.

Workshop 4: Networking at Events. Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Work a Room Like a Pro

We assume sales professionals just know how to work a room at a conference or industry event. That’s a bad assumption!

This session will arm you will tools to make contacts in any professional setting. And we will practice those new skills with fellow session attendees. So come ready to learn and network with your fellow attendees. And introverts don’t be afraid! This session is designed for you.


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