How AHP changed my career

By and , December 27, 2019

Longtime AHP member, Jennifer Bryant, recalls a meet-cute story from her first AHP seminar in 1995 that changed her career. A chance meeting with Lua Southard in the line for the ladies’ room led to a new position and a lifelong friendship.

UK grad loves Big Blue as much as Big Red (Man o’ War)

By and , November 23, 2019

If you think no one will be discussing college basketball in May when AHP meets in Lexington for its 50th anniversary conference, let me tell you a true story says AHP member and UK grad, Tracy Gantz, who wrote this article for the AHP 50th Anniversary blog.

What I love about Lexington

By , November 18, 2019

Twenty-one years ago, Whitney Allen moved to Lexington, KY with the plan to stay for two years and then high tail it back to her hometown in Pennsylvania. As she crossed the state line into Kentucky, she was filled with the sense that this is where she was supposed to be. She thought the feeling would pass. It didn’t.

The Kentucky Horse Park, a personal perspective

By , October 31, 2019

I have lived in Lexington, Kentucky since 1980, so when asked the question what my favorite place in Lexington is, you would think I would know immediately. However, I truly had to think about it, but I kept coming back to the same answer, The Kentucky Horse Park.

A Resolution to Re-Focus in 2014

By , January 1, 2014

I have a hard time focusing these days. My first thought was, “My brain just doesn’t function as well anymore.” I scratched that thought.

Writing for the Brand

By , November 1, 2013

The word, “brand,” is often associated with a product. But a brand can be anything including a print publication. While the doomsayers say print is dead, you and I know that it is not.